Dedicated to revealing the hidden, showing the unseen, telling the untold.
Living by Edith Eger's words -- Things aren't important. But beauty is.
Why Didn't She Go Back?(2023)
Words hang in the air, the silence prevents us from breathing.
I know I would. Despite everything. Because of everything.
Shades of Power(2023)
A backdrop to the prance of enchanted drones, tattered ideals adorn the wall.
Watching you and reflecting on questions of control and its true meaning,
your self-assurance fills me with awe. What does genuine control entail, and who holds the reins?
Will He Ever Be Ready?(2023)
Working on self-improvement and striving to forge an independent life,
he is pushing the limits of his character.
Is an introverted person destined to play sonatas in private, or can he
overcome his social constraints and step into the public spotlight?
Kind Loving(2023)
A remarkable woman, mother of three, has cultivated inner peace throughout her life by consistently
radiating kindness and love, even while navigating complex relationships with her challenging
partner and trying children.
No One Would Choose This(2023)
In the bittersweet world of type 1 diabetes, what does one wish?
To be magically cured?
To feel free?
To forget?
See my spots? I am a leopard, and I will tear out your heart and eat it.
See my colors? I am a dart frog, and I will poison your life and soul.
See my curves? I am a woman, and I will turn your world into madness.
For I was abused as a child, and I will never fully trust you.
Closed Off(2023)
In the quiet of the small hours, the echoes of patients' despair reverberate through the doctor's
heart. She pledged to save lives, but her specialty is incurable conditions.
Petite, yet resilient, she bears the weight of a soul-crushing truth: there is little she could do.
Not even for her dearest, sweetest little sister.
The Becoming(2024)
Through the prism of my fears, I discovered my courage.
Amidst the clouds of indecision, I seized my resolve.
In the shards of the looking glass, I found myself.
Nothing has changed.
Everything is different.
At last, I grasped my calling.